
General Women's Rights General Forum: Part 02

General women's rights forum and blog. Blog for all women's rights topics.


  1. Anonymous8:18 AM EDT

    I don't mean to stir up a big debate or anything, but, (being a man), how do women feel about having achieved equal rights, but only men are required to be drafted into the military?

    1. First of all no one can achieve equal rights, because human rights are equally inherent to all humans. In other other words no one, not even women, can achieve something that has already been achieved.
      Which brings us to the real problem. Special groups such as women, or negros, or nazis claiming to have special rights can only lead to tyranny, oppression, and or genocide.
      Now perhaps the need for governments to extend the protection of human rights to women is mistakenly being referred to as "women's" rights", or perhaps women are actually attempting to achieve an elevated status in a tyrannical regime enabling them to load men into cattle cars and send them off to death camps.
      Your question concerning only men being required to be drafted into the military suggests the latter.

      "That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed"

    2. Anonymous2:11 PM EST


  2. Anonymous12:14 PM EDT

    Go make me a sandwich.

  3. Anonymous11:22 PM EDT

    i hate women they are gay and retarted...if you ever get out of the f*&(^$% kitchin again i will beat your mouth with my dick you fools and eat all the sandwhiches u make fow yo lesbian btches

  4. "The human mind treats a new idea the way the body treats a strange protein; it rejects it," Peter Brian Medawar (1915-1987, UK immunologist). E.g. on women's development, race, etc.

    Eventually the truth prevails, as history shows. It's better being on the right side of change than opposing on grounds that have no basis.

  5. Anonymous9:34 PM EST

    i am representing the Mens Rights page. we are hosting a convention in Indianapolis this comming Friday but our caterer cancelled. would some of you be interested in making that sandwiches

  6. Anonymous3:39 PM EST


    Sign my women's rights petition

  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFJ_8007e8E

    This is a video of a conflicted Mormon girl as she tries to choose between her faith or her passion.
    Why should she have to choose at ll?

    This is based on one of my best friends and really would love some honest feedback.


  8. Anonymous4:54 PM EDT

    Hi, A lot has been talked about women's rights in Islam. This video on YouTube seems to present a different view:

  9. Researching History of Women's Rights and Connection to Holy Grail

    I started researching the lost women's voices of the Bible almost 3 years ago and along the way found the origins and art history of the Holy Grail, and women's rights, and met the real Sophie of the Da Vinci Code - as well as a whole lot more about Mary Magdalene the public doesn't know. Much of this ancient story is Celtic Christian Gnostic Pagan and has been illustrated in certain Tarot over centuries. I'm raising micro funding for Sangraal Truth book and video documentary. You can help with as little as one dollar or as much as you like. Click below and be part of rewriting the history of women. Get a PDF on Mary Magdalene in renaissance art and advanced copies of the book. Thanks for your help. Deborah http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/856318281/sangraal-truth-myth-busting-the-holy-grail

  10. Anonymous2:06 AM EDT

    Get back in the kitchen

  11. Anonymous6:17 AM EDT

    To the author of the article under consideration, I have a question.
    Are you prepared to defend your position in a four day public debate?
    You said:
    "So, where does that leave us? Women have every right and freedom to serve in any capacity in the church. If God calls and chooses a woman to pastor a church, who can stand against that? I won’t! "
    I will not only stand against your doctrine, I will refute it!
    You further said, earlier in your article: "There is no position within the church that a woman cannot and should not hold."
    Both of your false assertions are not at all Biblical.
    Should you chose to accept my proposition for a four day public debate you may contact me at preacherdhc@yahoo.com. We shall work the details regarding location, propositions and the like.
    Daniel H. Coe, Sr., PhD.
    Evangelist, church of Christ

    1. Hi Evangelist Coe. It would be wonderful to have your input in form of an article which can be shared on the main website. Alternative views are welcome as long as it's constructive dialogue, which is the context you are coming from. Thank you.

  12. https://youtu.be/RO16c0uA1CA

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.
